Based on a true story, “The Railway Man” follows the life of Eric Lomax, a man who was mentally and emotionally scarred from being tormented as a P.O.W. during [...]
Based on a true story, “The Railway Man” follows the life of Eric Lomax, a man who was mentally and emotionally scarred from being tormented as a P.O.W. during [...]
Based on a true story, “The Railway Man” follows the life of Eric Lomax, a man who was mentally and emotionally scarred from being tormented as a P.O.W. during [...]
Nick Frost, Salsa Dancer? As a fan of the Frost-man, I was definitely up for that premise and “Cuban Fury” delivers. Just watching the guy dancing his ass off is [...]
The new horror film straight from the Blum House factory has the right tone and a decent cast, but it’s all-over-the-place story and lack of scares makes [...]
2011’s animated feature “Rio” was a major hit and rightfully so. It was a great deal of fun for children and adults alike. Director Carlos Saldanha has [...]
David Gordon Green is one of the most interesting filmmakers working today. He can go from directing intelligent dramas like “Undertow” and “Snow Angeles” to stoner [...]
Marvel Studios so far has done a bang-up job fleshing out their characters on the big screen. Although I liked some films more than others, “Captain America: The Winter [...]