Hellions: Blu-Ray Review


Arriving on Blu-ray this week is IFC Midnight’s “Hellions”, courtesy of Scream Factory. I have always been a fan of horror films that take place on Halloween. Sure, not all of them are good, but there is just something about that particular night that makes everything seem all the more creepy. Director Bruce McDonald’s “Hellions” is no exception. Although the film kind of goes off the rails in its’ final act, the build-up is pretty solid.

Seventeen-year-old Dora Vogel (Chloe Rose) has just found out that she is pregnant. The news definitely put a damper on the Halloween fun she had planned with her boyfriend Jace (Luke Bilyk). Unfortunately for Dora, getting knocked up is the least of her worries. It turns out that the baby inside her is not human and it is growing rapidly. Dora must also defend herself from a whole lot of demonic children that want to possess the baby. These masked children are pretty damn creepy too. For the most part Dora is all alone, as Doctor Henry’s (Rossif Sutherland) emergency house-call don’t go too well. There is also Sheriff Corman (Robert Patrick) who is dealing with some demons of his own.

Fans of the Halloween set films will definitely want to check out “Hellions”. It is not perfect, but its’ surprisingly stylized and well directed.

By: Marc Ferman

Order: Hellions (Blu-ray)