Into the Storm: Movie Review

into the storm poster

How often do two movies come out on the same day that were both written by the same person? John Swetnam wrote “Step Up: All In” and “Into the Storm”. What else do these two films have in common? They both require paint-by-number stories with absolutely no character development or creativity. I have not seen “Step UP: All In (not screened for critics), but I can tell you the whole story from start to finish because it will be exactly the same as the previous “Step Up” films. As for “Into the Storm”, much like “Twister” or any other natural disaster flick, people are going to show up just for the destruction sequences. In that regard, “Into the Storm” delivers. It also delivers on my expectations of delivering nothing else.

Director Steven Quale proved he could direct fun and thrilling disaster sequences with 2011’s “Final Destination 5”. That bridge scene was killer (pun intended). Quale is able to bring the fun and thrills to many of the tornado sequences in “Into the Storm” and because of that, it keeps things from getting boring. Sure it’s a stupid movie, but I expected that going in. Can you name a modern-day natural disaster movie that isn’t dumb and filled with characters making stupid decisions? I can’t think of any.

I won’t call “Into the Storm” a good movie, because it isn’t. All I can say is, if you are looking to see some big CGI storms then you won’t be disappointed. Just don’t expect to go into this thing with the hopes of seeing fleshed out characters or intelligent dialogue. “Into the Storm” is big, loud, and over in less than 90 minutes.

By: Marc Ferman

into the storm still