Strangerland: Movie Review

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Set in the harsh rural town of Nathgari, Australia, “Strangerland” tells the story of Catherine and Matthew Parker (Nicole Kidman and Joseph Fiennes respectively) and the agony they face when their two children go missing. Unfortunately “Strangerland” is one of the most agonizing movie watching experiences of 2015 so far. The unlikable characters are only a minor issue as the film itself is mind-numbingly dull.

The cast is good, most notably Hugo Weaving as the detective investigating the disappearance of the teenagers, but things just simply drag-on. As the search continues, we learn more about the family’s history, most notably the sexual issues that plagued Catherine and her daughter Lily (Maddison Brown). Kim Farrant makes her feature film directorial debut and she is definitely a competent filmmaker with an interesting visual style. I just wish she could have given “Strangerland” more life.

By: Marc Ferman