Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation (Collector’s Edition) Blu-Ray Review

Available now on Collector’s Edition Blu-ray is “Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation. This is the fourth film in the franchise and it is known mostly for introducing the world to Renée Zellweger. Although Matthew McConaughey had a small but memorable role in 1993’s “Dazed and Confused”, it was his performance as Vilmer in “The Next Generation” where he was really able to let loose. Yes,this is a bad film, but McConaughey goes all out and he is a blast to watch.
Writer/ director, Kim Henkel (who worked with Tobe Hooper) returns to the franchise for the first time since the original. He attempts to bring back many of the elements that were introduced in the first film, but only partially succeeds. The problem is that “The Next Generation” is way too loony to be scary and it seems thisp sycho backwoods family are no longer cannibals. They opt for pizza instead,but they still like to hang their victims on meat hooks. Oh, and poor Leatherface, we cries and screams more than he harms hapless teenagers. Yes,“The Next Generation” is problematic, even more so when they bring in thesecret society plot point, but thankfully McConaughey is-able-to just go nuts and have some fun with his remote-controlled leg brace. Zellweger carries her own here as well, delivering one of the franchises best non-villain roles. She comes in a close second to Caroline Williams as “Stretch” in part 2.
If you are afan of “The Next Generation” or just a “TCM” fan in general, Scream Factory has delivered a nice release. Aside from the theatrical and director’s cuts of the film, we get new audio commentary with Kim Henkel on the director’s cut. Ther eare also interviews with DP, Levie Isaacks, actor Tyler Shea Cone and more. The franchise has had its’ ups and downs(more downs than ups), but “The Next Generation” has the benefit of its’ casting choices.
Bonus Features
- Two Cuts Of The Film – The Theatrical Cut (87 Minutes – HD) And The Director’s Cut (93 Minutes – HD With Standard Definition Inserts)
- NEW Audio Commentary With Writer/ Director Kim Henkel (On Director’s Cut)
- NEW The Buzz Is Back – An Interview With Director Of Photography Levie Isaacks
- NEW Marked For Death – An Interview With Actor Tyler Shea Cone
- NEW If Looks Could Kill: The Return Of A “Chainsaw Massacre” – An Interview With Special Makeup Effects Artist J.M. Logan And Production Designer Deborah Pastor
- Theatrical Trailer
By: Marc Ferman