The Last Witch Hunter: Movie Review

Director Breck Eisner delivered a solid yet forgotten horror film with 2010’s “The Crazies”. Since then, it seems like he took some time away from Hollywood before returning in 2015 for the Vin Diesel led “The Last Witch Hunter”. After sitting through this un-original visual effects heavy snoozefest, I feel like Eisner should have extended his leave a few more years. Like most films that star Vin Diesel (without “FAST” or “FURIOUS” in the title) this one is a total stinker.

The film begins hundreds of years in the past where witch hunter Kaulder (Vin Diesel) is turned immortal by a witch that he destroyed. Cut to present day, Kaulder is still hunting witches for the church. His partner, Dolan 36 (Michael Caine) has been attacked and with the assistance of Dolan 37 (Elijah Wood), Kaulder is out to find those responsible. Also helping out is a beautiful young witch named Chloe (Rose Leslie). Kaulder needs her help to remember his past, which holds the key to finding the evil ones.

“The Last Witch Hunter” is probably the least thrilling action film of 2015, as everything feels computer generated. Because of this, it all feels so lifeless. The stiff performances don’t help, though admittedly, Rose Leslie is quite likable. When I think lifeless fantasy of recent years, I would put this one in the same league as “Jack and the Giant Slayer”, and “The Seventh Son” (which is still a bit better than this one). Even “Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters had a good sense of humor and didn’t take itself seriously. Even though it sets itself up for a sequel, I hope this is the last we see of “The Last Witch Hunter”.

By: Marc Ferman